Christoph Seybold

Christoph Seybold received his first violin lessons at the age of four. After competing successfully in Germany’s nationwide Jugend musiziert music contests and appearing on SWR television (Southwest German Broadcasting), at the age of eleven Seybold continued his music lessons with Prof. Wolfgang Marschner at the Hermann and Gertrud Pflüger Foundation in Freiburg.
He subsequently majored in violin performance at the Cologne University of Music and the University of Music and Drama Hanover, where he studied with Prof. Zakhar Bron and Prof. Jens Ellermann. Ida Haendl, Georgy Pauk and Victor Danchenko have also been inf luential in his musical development.
Numerous master classes and concert appearances have taken him to many European countries, Japan and the United States. Amongst others, he performed at the Schauspielhaus Berlin, the Liederhalle Stuttgart, the Meistersingerhalle Nuremberg, the Glocke Bremen, the Herkulessaal Munich and the Laeiszhalle Hamburg.
Christoph Seybold plays the “da Vinci,” an Antonio Stradivarius violin made in Cremona in 1725, generously on loan from Machold Rare Violins.
Christoph Seybold received his first violin lessons at the age of four. After competing successfully in Germany’s nationwide Jugend musiziert music contests and appearing on SWR television (Southwest German Broadcasting), at the age of eleven Seybold continued his music lessons with Prof. Wolfgang Marschner at the Hermann and Gertrud Pflüger Foundation in Freiburg.
He subsequently majored in violin performance at the Cologne University of Music and the University of Music and Drama Hanover, where he studied with Prof. Zakhar Bron and Prof. Jens Ellermann. Ida Haendl, Georgy Pauk and Victor Danchenko have also been inf luential in his musical development.
Numerous master classes and concert appearances have taken him to many European countries, Japan and the United States. Amongst others, he performed at the Schauspielhaus Berlin, the Liederhalle Stuttgart, the Meistersingerhalle Nuremberg, the Glocke Bremen, the Herkulessaal Munich and the Laeiszhalle Hamburg.
Christoph Seybold plays the “da Vinci,” an Antonio Stradivarius violin made in Cremona in 1725, generously on loan from Machold Rare Violins.
CDs released by GENUIN
with Christoph Seybold

Werke für Violine und Klavier
von Bach, Beethoven, Strauss und Waxman
Christoph Seybold Violin
Milana Chernyavska Piano
GEN 10171 – 19.3.2010