CD album cover 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart' (GEN 14319) with Swiss Chamber Soloists, Felix Renggli, Heinz Holliger ...

GEN 14319 EAN: 4260036253191

5.9.2014Special offer
18.90 € 16.90 €

Edition Artist_Consort

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An illustrious guest on the 17th CD of the Edition Artist Consort: the grand seigneur of the oboe, Heinz Holliger, plays Mozart's sparkling Oboe Quartet with his Swiss friends: buoyant, feather-light, perfect! The two other woodwind chamber works by the great Viennese classicist on this new GENUIN CD are of the same extraordinarily high level. As primus inter pares, Felix Renggli interprets the fragrant Flute Quartet, and Francois Benda plays the basset clarinet in the same function in the original version of the Clarinet Quintet. As always with Artist Consort, there are joyous music-making, a great deal of verve and meticulously lively interpretations – a wonderful combination!

Swiss Chamber Soloists
Felix Renggli Flute
Heinz Holliger Oboe, composer
François Benda clarinet
Esther Hoppe violin
Daria Zappa violin
Jürg Dähler violin, viola
Daniel Haefliger cello

An illustrious guest on the 17th CD of the Edition Artist Consort: the grand seigneur of the oboe, Heinz Holliger, plays Mozart's sparkling Oboe Quartet with his Swiss friends: buoyant, feather-light, perfect! The two other woodwind chamber works by the great Viennese classicist on this new GENUIN CD are of the same extraordinarily high level. As primus inter pares, Felix Renggli interprets the fragrant Flute Quartet, and Francois Benda plays the basset clarinet in the same function in the original version of the Clarinet Quintet. As always with Artist Consort, there are joyous music-making, a great deal of verve and meticulously lively interpretations – a wonderful combination!

An illustrious guest on the 17th CD of the Edition Artist Consort: the grand seigneur of the oboe, Heinz Holliger, plays Mozart's sparkling Oboe Quartet with his Swiss friends: buoyant, feather-light, perfect! The two other woodwind chamber works by the great Viennese classicist on this new GENUIN CD are of the same extraordinarily high level. As primus inter pares, Felix Renggli interprets the fragrant Flute Quartet, and Francois Benda plays the basset clarinet in the same function in the original version of the Clarinet Quintet. As always with Artist Consort, there are joyous music-making, a great deal of verve and meticulously lively interpretations – a wonderful combination!