Dinorah Varsi

Artist photo of Dinorah Varsi - Piano

Dinorah Varsi was South American. She was born on 15 November 1939 in Montevideo (Uruguay). She had always played “with” the piano, as far back as she could remember. At the age of four she was already on stage, giving a concert. Erich Kleiber predicted a great future for her when she played for him two years later. And three years after that she performed Bach's F minor Concerto for an enthusiastic audience in Brazil.

After completing her studies in Montevideo, she underwent further training in Paris, New York and finally in Switzerland with Géza Anda. During this period she was successful in competitions in Geneva, Barcelona and London. In 1967 she won the Clara Haskil Competition, which opened the doors to a global career.

Already as a child her concerts had ranged from Bach to Ginastera. Empathising with the worlds of different musical languages with her strong expressiveness remained a wonderful challenge throughout her life. Her unique gifts led to distinctive interpretations, including the great, technically demanding concertos of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Liszt, Chopin and Brahms.

Dinorah Varsi died in Berlin on 17 June 2013.

The artist's homepage:


CDs released by GENUIN

with Dinorah Varsi

CD album cover 'Dinorah Varsi Legacy' (GEN 15353) with Dinorah Varsi

Dinorah Varsi Legacy

Die gesammelten Klavieraufnahmen

Dinorah Varsi Piano

GEN 15353  –  6.11.2015