Francesco Corti

Francesco Corti was born in Arezzo, Italy, in a musical family in 1984. As a young child, he was taught by his mother, and then by G. Giustarini. He studied organ in the class of W. van de Pol at the Conservatoire “Morlacchi” in Perugia, where he graduated with the highest marks and mention. He then studied harpsichord at the Conservatoire Superieure de Musique of Geneva with A. Fedi. He has attended masterclasses with C. Rousset, G. Leonhardt, M. Meyerson, B. Winsemius and L. F. Tagliavini at important musical institutions such as the Zomerakademie voor Organisten of Haarlem, the Académie Musicale de Villecroze and the Accademia Chigiana di Siena where he received a “Diploma di Merito”. He is currently continuing his studies at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with B. van Asperen, where he also studies with B. van Oort (Fortepiano) and A. de Man (contemporary repertoire). As a soloist, he has appeared in numerous concerts all over Europe, in the USA and in New Zealand. He plays with famous early music groups such as Les Musiciens du Louvre (M. Minkowski), Le Concert des Nations (J. Savall), Zefiro Ensemble (A. Bernardini), Elyma Ensemble (G. Garrido), and Musica ad Rhenum (J. Wenz).
The artist's homepage:
Francesco Corti was born in Arezzo, Italy, in a musical family in 1984. As a young child, he was taught by his mother, and then by G. Giustarini. He studied organ in the class of W. van de Pol at the Conservatoire “Morlacchi” in Perugia, where he graduated with the highest marks and mention. He then studied harpsichord at the Conservatoire Superieure de Musique of Geneva with A. Fedi. He has attended masterclasses with C. Rousset, G. Leonhardt, M. Meyerson, B. Winsemius and L. F. Tagliavini at important musical institutions such as the Zomerakademie voor Organisten of Haarlem, the Académie Musicale de Villecroze and the Accademia Chigiana di Siena where he received a “Diploma di Merito”. He is currently continuing his studies at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam with B. van Asperen, where he also studies with B. van Oort (Fortepiano) and A. de Man (contemporary repertoire). As a soloist, he has appeared in numerous concerts all over Europe, in the USA and in New Zealand. He plays with famous early music groups such as Les Musiciens du Louvre (M. Minkowski), Le Concert des Nations (J. Savall), Zefiro Ensemble (A. Bernardini), Elyma Ensemble (G. Garrido), and Musica ad Rhenum (J. Wenz).
The artist's homepage:
CDs released by GENUIN
with Francesco Corti

Suiten für Cembalo von Louis Couperin
Francesco Corti - Bach-Preisträger des Internationalen Bachwettbewerbes Leipzig 2006
GEN 87090 – 22.6.2007