GENUIN Sound Engineers Give Master Class at the 7th Film Music Days in Halle

In October two GENUIN sound engineers once again have been directing a workshop for up and coming composers during the 7th Film Music Days in Halle/Saale. From 20 to 23 October, five students have been given the opportunity to create a soundtrack for the classic silent movie "Tabu", working together with Bernd Ruf and Benjamin Köthe to arrange and directly experience the recording of their compositions with 70 musicians of the Staatskapelle Halle.
In cooperation with the F. W. Murnau Foundation, the workshop took place for the second time this year. Behind the idea of the interdisciplinary master class "The Orchestra" is the experience that young film music composers in particular are offered too few opportunities to work with orchestras.
One of the works of the young composers was premiered at the opera house in Halle during the gala of the Film Music Days on Saturday.
Here you can see impressions of the work of the GENUIN sound engineers during the master class
See the homepage of the Filmmusiktage in Halle
In October two GENUIN sound engineers once again have been directing a workshop for up and coming composers during the 7th Film Music Days in Halle/Saale. From 20 to 23 October, five students have been given the opportunity to create a soundtrack for the classic silent movie "Tabu", working together with Bernd Ruf and Benjamin Köthe to arrange and directly experience the recording of their compositions with 70 musicians of the Staatskapelle Halle.
In cooperation with the F. W. Murnau Foundation, the workshop took place for the second time this year. Behind the idea of the interdisciplinary master class "The Orchestra" is the experience that young film music composers in particular are offered too few opportunities to work with orchestras.
One of the works of the young composers was premiered at the opera house in Halle during the gala of the Film Music Days on Saturday.
Here you can see impressions of the work of the GENUIN sound engineers during the master class
See the homepage of the Filmmusiktage in Halle