And now for the third round of our competition "The Measure of the Month!" Who is the first one to recognise the corresponding GENUIN-CD that is being alluded to here? Simply indicate the artist, the work and the CD in the comment area on Facebook. Whoever was the fastest may select a CD of his/her choice from the GENUIN catalogue (with the exception of CD boxes). Here's where you can browse: GENUIN-Katalog
Have fun guessing!
For the competition on Facebook click here:
And now for the third round of our competition "The Measure of the Month!" Who is the first one to recognise the corresponding GENUIN-CD that is being alluded to here? Simply indicate the artist, the work and the CD in the comment area on Facebook. Whoever was the fastest may select a CD of his/her choice from the GENUIN catalogue (with the exception of CD boxes). Here's where you can browse: GENUIN-Katalog
Have fun guessing!
For the competition on Facebook click here: