Don Giovanni

CD album cover 'Don Giovanni' (GEN 86052) with Babette Dorn

GEN 86052 EAN: 4260036250527

25.8.2006Special offer
18.90 € 16.90 €

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What would it have been like had Don Giovanni been able to play the piano? The works on Babette Dorn’s new Genuin CD certainly sound as if he had been a brilliant seducer on the keyboard too. On this CD a string of pearls from many different parts of the opera is awaiting the listener – precious gems which thrill, enchant, astound with the sheer creativity shown by composers like Hummel, Beethoven, Cramer, Bizet and Rheinberger. It starts with the aimless grumbling of Leporello all the way to a boisterous village feast, from a stroke of genius to a full-scale_button set of variations. And Babette Dorn presents all this with a wink, passion and – just in the spirit of E.T.A. Hoffmann, the great Mozart admirer – in a truely “supernatural“ way.

"Adventure, excitement and drama in their most varied facets (…), the result is cheeky, wild and impudent – and with a magnificent feeling for the tragedy inherent in the material." Piano News 6/06

Babette Dorn piano

What would it have been like had Don Giovanni been able to play the piano? The works on Babette Dorn’s new Genuin CD certainly sound as if he had been a brilliant seducer on the keyboard too. On this CD a string of pearls from many different parts of the opera is awaiting the listener – precious gems which thrill, enchant, astound with the sheer creativity shown by composers like Hummel, Beethoven, Cramer, Bizet and Rheinberger. It starts with the aimless grumbling of Leporello all the way to a boisterous village feast, from a stroke of genius to a full-scale_button set of variations. And Babette Dorn presents all this with a wink, passion and – just in the spirit of E.T.A. Hoffmann, the great Mozart admirer – in a truely “supernatural“ way.

"Adventure, excitement and drama in their most varied facets (…), the result is cheeky, wild and impudent – and with a magnificent feeling for the tragedy inherent in the material." Piano News 6/06

Audio Player




  1. W. A. Mozart / J. N. Hummel
    Overture to Don Giovanni
  2. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
    Allegro molto alla Notte e giorno faticar di Mozart
  3. W. A. Mozart / Georges Bizet (1838-1875)
    Là ci darem la mano (1866)
  4. Johann Baptist Cramer (1771-1858)
    Fin ch`han dal vino
  5. Muzio Clementi (1752-1832)
    Batti, batti, o bel Masetto
  6. Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart (1791-1844)
    VII variations sur le menuet de Don Juan
  7. Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
    Ein Stückchen von Mozart
  8. Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901)
    Tonstück in fugierter Form
  9. Heinrich von Herzogenberg (1843-1900)
    Variationen über ein Thema aus Don Giovanni
  10. W. A. Mozart / Babette Dorn (1966)
    Da bravi, via, ballate
  11. W. A. Mozart / Georges Bizet (1838-1875)
    Don Giovanni, a cenar teco

What would it have been like had Don Giovanni been able to play the piano? The works on Babette Dorn’s new Genuin CD certainly sound as if he had been a brilliant seducer on the keyboard too. On this CD a string of pearls from many different parts of the opera is awaiting the listener – precious gems which thrill, enchant, astound with the sheer creativity shown by composers like Hummel, Beethoven, Cramer, Bizet and Rheinberger. It starts with the aimless grumbling of Leporello all the way to a boisterous village feast, from a stroke of genius to a full-scale_button set of variations. And Babette Dorn presents all this with a wink, passion and – just in the spirit of E.T.A. Hoffmann, the great Mozart admirer – in a truely “supernatural“ way.

"Adventure, excitement and drama in their most varied facets (…), the result is cheeky, wild and impudent – and with a magnificent feeling for the tragedy inherent in the material." Piano News 6/06