Fanny Hensel - Das Jahr (The Year)
A Musical-Literary Encounter
Audio Player
- Fanny Hensel (1805–1847)
Letter to Franz Hauer (1843)
"Hochgeehrter Herr und Freund!" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
Januar - Februar
- Fanny Hensel
Letter to Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1829)
"Felix" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
März - Fanny Hensel
Letter to Felix and Cécile Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1829) & Travel Diary (1840)
"Italienische Reise" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
April - Mai
- Fanny Hensel
Letters from Abraham Mendelssohn to F. Hensel (1828) & from F. Hensel to Carl Klingemann (1820/1829)
"Vater" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
Juni - Juli
- Fanny Hensel
Letters to Rebecka Dirichlet, Cécile Mendelssohn-Bartholdy & Mendelssohn-Family (1839)
"Liebste Schwester" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
August - Fanny Hensel
Letter to Mendelssohn-Family (1839)
"Venedig" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
September - Fanny Hensel
Letters to Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1829)
"Hensel" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
Oktober - November
- Fanny Hensel
Travel Diary & Letter to Rebecka Dirichlet (1840)
"Abschied aus Rom" - Fanny Hensel
Das Jahr
Dezember - Nachspiel
- Juni (Original Version)
Pianist Sophia Weidemann and actress Tinka Kleffner present a musical-literary encounter with the exceptional composer Fanny Hensel in their new GENUIN album, "Das Jahr" (The Year). The album includes a remarkable piano cycle along with letters and diary entries to and by Hensel. Through their interpretation, these two highly acclaimed artists offer a highlevel, intimate glimpse into the life and work of one of the most significant 19th-century female composers and enlightened thinkers, Fanny Hensel. Hensel's piano cycle covers a whole year, and the chosen and thoughtfully read excerpts mirror the emotionally rich and skillfully constructed music in the most delightful way!
"Sophia Weidemann plays ‘Das Jahr’ wonderfully, with a wide range of expression and technically flawless, Tinka Kleffner precisely sketches the conflict into which Fanny Hensel fell in the face of her artistic urge and the circumstances, which are made clear in her father's jovial admonitions." Review by Jürgen Hartmann, May 12, 2024
"Letter and diary sequences are recited by Tinka Kleffner in a pointed, lively and emphatically ironic manner. [...] Sophia Weidemann allows herself to be guided more by the “richness of harmony” and the “diversity of emotions” in order to create a literally wonderful picture book, always bathed in new light, which has its very own, unmistakable characteristics for each month." Review published on April 30, 2024
DLF Kultur Tonart
"Brilliant, fresh and with classical elegance, pianist Sophia Weidemann presents this musically multifaceted and virtuoso piano cycle at a high level." Elisabeth Hahn, broadcast from 10.04.2024