Die schöne Magelone – The Fair Magelone

CD album cover 'Die schöne Magelone – The Fair Magelone' (GEN 23844) with Tomas Kildišius, Ani Ter-Martirosyan ...

GEN 23844 EAN: 4260036258448

6.10.202318.90 €

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English version of the track list, prose fragments and lyrics

"Die schöne Magelone" (The Fair Magelone) is the name of a wonderful lied cycle by Johannes Brahms, which the duo Tomas Kildišius (baritone) and Ani Ter-Martirosyan (piano) is releasing as a debut CD on GENUIN. Fortunately, they have linked the 15 Romances on texts by Ludwig Tieck with the poet's original prose fragments so listeners can experience rahms' music in the context of the entire romantic and exotic story. With her young voice, actress Jannike Liebwerth provides the setting for the Brahms interpretations of the Armenian-Lithuanian duo, whose work has been characterized from the beginning by a shared love of lieder. This can be heard in the subtle soundscapes that bring to life the adventures of Count Peter of Provence and the fair Magelone.

"He (Tomas Kildišius) succeeds particularly vividly in the more lyrical pieces, but also in a dramatic song such as 'Verzweiflung'." Review by Uwe Schweikert, issue February 2024

MusicWeb International
"These artists have grown together interpretively to provide a compelling musical experience throughout." Review by Daniel Floyd published on December 13, 2023

Klassik heute
"Der junge litauische Bariton Tomas Kildišius und die armenische Pianistin Ani-Ter Martyrosian haben für ihre erste gemeinsame CD die 15 Romanzen aus Ludwig Tiecks Magelone op. 33 von Johannes Brahms gewählt und damit eine respektable Talentprobe abgeliefert." Review by Ekkehard Pluta, November 14, 2023

"The young baritone Tomas Kildišius delivers a very good interpretation, [...] and fascinates with interpretive conciseness and beautiful, lyrical singing. Ani Ter-Martirosyan underpins the Magelone story with wonderfully multi-layered and very colorful piano playing." Review by Alain Steffen, 10 October 2023

Tomas Kildišius Baritone
Ani Ter-Martirosyan Piano
Jannike Liebwerth Narrator

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English version of the track list, prose fragments and lyrics

"Die schöne Magelone" (The Fair Magelone) is the name of a wonderful lied cycle by Johannes Brahms, which the duo Tomas Kildišius (baritone) and Ani Ter-Martirosyan (piano) is releasing as a debut CD on GENUIN. Fortunately, they have linked the 15 Romances on texts by Ludwig Tieck with the poet's original prose fragments so listeners can experience rahms' music in the context of the entire romantic and exotic story. With her young voice, actress Jannike Liebwerth provides the setting for the Brahms interpretations of the Armenian-Lithuanian duo, whose work has been characterized from the beginning by a shared love of lieder. This can be heard in the subtle soundscapes that bring to life the adventures of Count Peter of Provence and the fair Magelone.

"He (Tomas Kildišius) succeeds particularly vividly in the more lyrical pieces, but also in a dramatic song such as 'Verzweiflung'." Review by Uwe Schweikert, issue February 2024

MusicWeb International
"These artists have grown together interpretively to provide a compelling musical experience throughout." Review by Daniel Floyd published on December 13, 2023

Klassik heute
"Der junge litauische Bariton Tomas Kildišius und die armenische Pianistin Ani-Ter Martyrosian haben für ihre erste gemeinsame CD die 15 Romanzen aus Ludwig Tiecks Magelone op. 33 von Johannes Brahms gewählt und damit eine respektable Talentprobe abgeliefert." Review by Ekkehard Pluta, November 14, 2023

"The young baritone Tomas Kildišius delivers a very good interpretation, [...] and fascinates with interpretive conciseness and beautiful, lyrical singing. Ani Ter-Martirosyan underpins the Magelone story with wonderfully multi-layered and very colorful piano playing." Review by Alain Steffen, 10 October 2023

link to PDF booklet

English version of the track list, prose fragments and lyrics

"Die schöne Magelone" (The Fair Magelone) is the name of a wonderful lied cycle by Johannes Brahms, which the duo Tomas Kildišius (baritone) and Ani Ter-Martirosyan (piano) is releasing as a debut CD on GENUIN. Fortunately, they have linked the 15 Romances on texts by Ludwig Tieck with the poet's original prose fragments so listeners can experience rahms' music in the context of the entire romantic and exotic story. With her young voice, actress Jannike Liebwerth provides the setting for the Brahms interpretations of the Armenian-Lithuanian duo, whose work has been characterized from the beginning by a shared love of lieder. This can be heard in the subtle soundscapes that bring to life the adventures of Count Peter of Provence and the fair Magelone.

"He (Tomas Kildišius) succeeds particularly vividly in the more lyrical pieces, but also in a dramatic song such as 'Verzweiflung'." Review by Uwe Schweikert, issue February 2024

MusicWeb International
"These artists have grown together interpretively to provide a compelling musical experience throughout." Review by Daniel Floyd published on December 13, 2023

Klassik heute
"Der junge litauische Bariton Tomas Kildišius und die armenische Pianistin Ani-Ter Martyrosian haben für ihre erste gemeinsame CD die 15 Romanzen aus Ludwig Tiecks Magelone op. 33 von Johannes Brahms gewählt und damit eine respektable Talentprobe abgeliefert." Review by Ekkehard Pluta, November 14, 2023

"The young baritone Tomas Kildišius delivers a very good interpretation, [...] and fascinates with interpretive conciseness and beautiful, lyrical singing. Ani Ter-Martirosyan underpins the Magelone story with wonderfully multi-layered and very colorful piano playing." Review by Alain Steffen, 10 October 2023