Eros und Gewalt – Eros and Violence

CD album cover 'Eros und Gewalt – Eros and Violence' (GEN 23830) with SCHOLA HEIDELBERG, Walter Nußbaum ...

GEN 23830 EAN: 4260036258301

8.9.2023 18.90 €

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The Schola Heidelberg covers a wide range of musical styles in its new GENUIN CD with works from the Renaissance and today. Under the title "Eros und Gewalt" (Eros and Violence), the virtuoso vocal ensemble juxtaposes works by Gesualdo di Venosa and Michelangelo Rossi with those by Claude Vivier. Neurobiologist Hannah Monyer explains the psychological background of the emotionally charged music, in which Italy from around 1600 and our time find themselves very close to each other. The Schola Heidelberg sings under the direction of its founder Walter Nußbaum. It is one of the leading European vocal ensembles, mastering a wide variety of styles and vocal techniques, including microtonal intonation and vocal and breathing sounds.

"[...] superior vocal control, perfect tonal homogeneity and a declamation that is oriented to the rhythm of the spoken language, affective but without subjective emotionality." Review by Uwe Schweikert, 1/2024 issue

Bild5 January 2024: Nominated for the German Record Critics Award, Longlist 1/2024

Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Bernhard Schrammek presented the album Eros und Gewalt in his broadcast Chormusik.
"Eros und Gewalt is a carefully planned concept album that impresses in several ways. Purely musically, it is an excellent interpretation, ensured by the 6 singers of the Schola Heidelberg." 27.09.2023

Walter Nußbaum Director
Michael Rotschopf Recitation

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The Schola Heidelberg covers a wide range of musical styles in its new GENUIN CD with works from the Renaissance and today. Under the title "Eros und Gewalt" (Eros and Violence), the virtuoso vocal ensemble juxtaposes works by Gesualdo di Venosa and Michelangelo Rossi with those by Claude Vivier. Neurobiologist Hannah Monyer explains the psychological background of the emotionally charged music, in which Italy from around 1600 and our time find themselves very close to each other. The Schola Heidelberg sings under the direction of its founder Walter Nußbaum. It is one of the leading European vocal ensembles, mastering a wide variety of styles and vocal techniques, including microtonal intonation and vocal and breathing sounds.

"[...] superior vocal control, perfect tonal homogeneity and a declamation that is oriented to the rhythm of the spoken language, affective but without subjective emotionality." Review by Uwe Schweikert, 1/2024 issue

Bild5 January 2024: Nominated for the German Record Critics Award, Longlist 1/2024

Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Bernhard Schrammek presented the album Eros und Gewalt in his broadcast Chormusik.
"Eros und Gewalt is a carefully planned concept album that impresses in several ways. Purely musically, it is an excellent interpretation, ensured by the 6 singers of the Schola Heidelberg." 27.09.2023

Audio Player




  1. Don Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (1566–1613)
    Madrigali à 5 voci aus Libro V & VI (1611)
    Dolcissima mia vita (Libro V, 4) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  2. Rezitation: Dolcissima mia vita (Anonym)
  3. O dolorosa gioia (Libro V, 5) [DJ, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  4. Rezitation: O dolorosa gioia (Anonym)
  5. Tu m'uccidi, o crudele (Libro V, 15) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  6. Rezitation: Tu m'uccidi, o crudele (Anonym)
  7. Deh, coprite il bel seno (Libro V, 16) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  8. Rezitation: Deh, coprite il bel seno (Ridolfo Arlotti)
  9. Beltà, poi ché t'assenti (Libro VI, 2) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  10. Rezitation: Beltà, poi ché t'assenti (Anonym)
  11. Resta di darmi noia (Libro VI, 4) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  12. Rezitation: Resta di darmi noia (Anonym)
  13. O dolce mio tesoro (Libro VI, 7) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  14. Rezitation: O dolce mio tesoro (Anonym)
  15. Moro, lasso (Libro VI, 17) [SN, DJ, TW, SH, MH]
  16. Rezitation: Moro, lasso (Anonym)
  17. Claude Vivier (1948–1983)
    Chants für 7 Frauenstimmen mit Schlaginstrumenten (1973)
  18. Michelangelo Rossi (1601/2–1656)
    Madrigali à 5 voci aus Libro I & II (c. 1638)
    Rezitation: O miseria d'amante (Battista Guarini)
  19. O miseria d'amante (Libro I, 10) [DJ, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  20. Rezitation: Moribondo mio pianto (Anonym)
  21. Moribondo mio pianto (Libro II, 11) [DJ, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  22. Rezitation: Occhi, un tempo mia vita (Anonym)
  23. Occhi, un tempo mia vita (Libro I, 8) [DJ, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  24. Rezitation: Credetel voi (Anonym)
  25. Credetel voi (Libro I, 13) [SN, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  26. Rezitation: Cura gelata e ria (Battista Guarini)
  27. Cura gelata e ria (Libro II, 3) [SN, TW, SH, JD, MH]
  28. Rezitation: Voi volete ch'io mora (Battista Guarini)
  29. Voi volete ch'io mora (Libro II, 6) [SN, TW, SH, JD, MH]

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The Schola Heidelberg covers a wide range of musical styles in its new GENUIN CD with works from the Renaissance and today. Under the title "Eros und Gewalt" (Eros and Violence), the virtuoso vocal ensemble juxtaposes works by Gesualdo di Venosa and Michelangelo Rossi with those by Claude Vivier. Neurobiologist Hannah Monyer explains the psychological background of the emotionally charged music, in which Italy from around 1600 and our time find themselves very close to each other. The Schola Heidelberg sings under the direction of its founder Walter Nußbaum. It is one of the leading European vocal ensembles, mastering a wide variety of styles and vocal techniques, including microtonal intonation and vocal and breathing sounds.

"[...] superior vocal control, perfect tonal homogeneity and a declamation that is oriented to the rhythm of the spoken language, affective but without subjective emotionality." Review by Uwe Schweikert, 1/2024 issue

Bild5 January 2024: Nominated for the German Record Critics Award, Longlist 1/2024

Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Bernhard Schrammek presented the album Eros und Gewalt in his broadcast Chormusik.
"Eros und Gewalt is a carefully planned concept album that impresses in several ways. Purely musically, it is an excellent interpretation, ensured by the 6 singers of the Schola Heidelberg." 27.09.2023