Schumann, Brahms, Misek

CD album cover 'Schumann, Brahms, Misek' (GEN 20706) with Ekkehard Beringer, Tomoko Takahashi

GEN 20706 EAN: 4260036257069

8.5.2020Special offer
18.90 € 16.90 €

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A double bass sounds masculine and passionate, comparable to a baritone. Highly valued as a harmonic and rhythmic platform, there is little opportunity for the instrument to make a solo appearance – this CD is different. Ekkehard Beringer, a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie and professor at the Hanover University of Music and Performing Arts, is a virtuoso on the double bass and is able to elicit a wide range of timbres from the instrument. Whether it is original works such as Adolf Mišek's Sonata in E minor or arrangements of horn and cello works by Brahms and Schumann, Ekkehard Beringer's playing sounds virtuosic, brilliant and yet down-to-earth, brilliantly accompanied by the pianist Tomoko Takahashi.

Das Orchester
"Insgesamt prächtig leidenschaftlich spielen die Solisten, erstaunliche (Trug-)Schlüsse bieten sie, und hier gibt es tatsächlich einige atem(be)raubende Momente. Und stets bleiben sie sehr markant und zugleich gesanglich – besonders das verbindet die beiden Interpreten offenbar."
Read the entire German review by Carola Keßler here.

Ekkehard Beringer Double Bass
Tomoko Takahashi Piano

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A double bass sounds masculine and passionate, comparable to a baritone. Highly valued as a harmonic and rhythmic platform, there is little opportunity for the instrument to make a solo appearance – this CD is different. Ekkehard Beringer, a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie and professor at the Hanover University of Music and Performing Arts, is a virtuoso on the double bass and is able to elicit a wide range of timbres from the instrument. Whether it is original works such as Adolf Mišek's Sonata in E minor or arrangements of horn and cello works by Brahms and Schumann, Ekkehard Beringer's playing sounds virtuosic, brilliant and yet down-to-earth, brilliantly accompanied by the pianist Tomoko Takahashi.

Das Orchester
"Insgesamt prächtig leidenschaftlich spielen die Solisten, erstaunliche (Trug-)Schlüsse bieten sie, und hier gibt es tatsächlich einige atem(be)raubende Momente. Und stets bleiben sie sehr markant und zugleich gesanglich – besonders das verbindet die beiden Interpreten offenbar."
Read the entire German review by Carola Keßler here.

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A double bass sounds masculine and passionate, comparable to a baritone. Highly valued as a harmonic and rhythmic platform, there is little opportunity for the instrument to make a solo appearance – this CD is different. Ekkehard Beringer, a member of the NDR Elbphilharmonie and professor at the Hanover University of Music and Performing Arts, is a virtuoso on the double bass and is able to elicit a wide range of timbres from the instrument. Whether it is original works such as Adolf Mišek's Sonata in E minor or arrangements of horn and cello works by Brahms and Schumann, Ekkehard Beringer's playing sounds virtuosic, brilliant and yet down-to-earth, brilliantly accompanied by the pianist Tomoko Takahashi.

Das Orchester
"Insgesamt prächtig leidenschaftlich spielen die Solisten, erstaunliche (Trug-)Schlüsse bieten sie, und hier gibt es tatsächlich einige atem(be)raubende Momente. Und stets bleiben sie sehr markant und zugleich gesanglich – besonders das verbindet die beiden Interpreten offenbar."
Read the entire German review by Carola Keßler here.