Paolo Litta

CD album cover 'Paolo Litta' (GEN 20690) with Ilona Then-Bergh, Michael Schäfer

GEN 20690 EAN: 4260036256901

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18.90 € 16.90 €

Edition Un!erhört

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Exceeding its length, arrogant its dedicators ("A Leonardo da Vinci" - "His Majesty, the Dead"), ruthlessly the mix of styles between medieval minstrel music and musique concrète, beguiling its beauty and frightening its brutality - this is the fascinating music of Paolo Litta that awaits you on this CD. Written by a previously completely unknown composer, rediscovered by Michael Schäfer and now recorded for the first time by Ilona Then-Bergh and himself for his edition un!erhört at GENUIN.
Let yourself be carried away by the congenial interpretation of a composition that is as diverse as what it symbolises: the whole of human life...

"In the end Litta removed the triangle and dancer from his thoughts and intentions. He called the work A Concert Trilogy. Michael Schäfer’s notes helpfully guide the reader: in addition, he is the pianist in this pioneering recording. He and Ilona Then-Bergh – their recordings are an illuminating feature of Genuin’s rich catalogue of discs ... the performances are fiercely committed and surmount all objection."
Review on the online magazine by Jonathan Woolf, March 2020

Art Music Lounge
"...the music is seamless in structure and developed with great sweep and imagination. Der Tod als Fiedler is (for 1924) a VERY advanced piece in addition to being more coherent than some of George Antheil’s early works or anything written by Edgar Varése. Indeed der Tod als Fiedler stands alone, particularly among violin-piano works, for its time."
Review on the online magazine by Lynn René Bayley, March 2020

Fono Forum
"Die Interpreten gestalten dieses musikalische Ungetüm mit enormer Entdeckerfreude und Hingabe. (...) so kann man sich hier gleichwohl kopfüber in ein Hörabenteuer stürzen, das Seinesgleichen sucht."
Rezension im Magazin Fono Forum von Burkhard Schäfer, Juli 2020

"Pianist Michael Schäfer ist ein Jäger der unerhörten Komponisten ... Er betätigt sich seit 15 Jahren als „Trüffelsucher“ für das Label Genuin. Im Interview erklärt er, wie sein Arbeitsalltag aussieht."
Hier gibt es das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen.

Ilona Then-Bergh Violin
Michael Schäfer Piano

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Exceeding its length, arrogant its dedicators ("A Leonardo da Vinci" - "His Majesty, the Dead"), ruthlessly the mix of styles between medieval minstrel music and musique concrète, beguiling its beauty and frightening its brutality - this is the fascinating music of Paolo Litta that awaits you on this CD. Written by a previously completely unknown composer, rediscovered by Michael Schäfer and now recorded for the first time by Ilona Then-Bergh and himself for his edition un!erhört at GENUIN.
Let yourself be carried away by the congenial interpretation of a composition that is as diverse as what it symbolises: the whole of human life...

"In the end Litta removed the triangle and dancer from his thoughts and intentions. He called the work A Concert Trilogy. Michael Schäfer’s notes helpfully guide the reader: in addition, he is the pianist in this pioneering recording. He and Ilona Then-Bergh – their recordings are an illuminating feature of Genuin’s rich catalogue of discs ... the performances are fiercely committed and surmount all objection."
Review on the online magazine by Jonathan Woolf, March 2020

Art Music Lounge
"...the music is seamless in structure and developed with great sweep and imagination. Der Tod als Fiedler is (for 1924) a VERY advanced piece in addition to being more coherent than some of George Antheil’s early works or anything written by Edgar Varése. Indeed der Tod als Fiedler stands alone, particularly among violin-piano works, for its time."
Review on the online magazine by Lynn René Bayley, March 2020

Fono Forum
"Die Interpreten gestalten dieses musikalische Ungetüm mit enormer Entdeckerfreude und Hingabe. (...) so kann man sich hier gleichwohl kopfüber in ein Hörabenteuer stürzen, das Seinesgleichen sucht."
Rezension im Magazin Fono Forum von Burkhard Schäfer, Juli 2020

"Pianist Michael Schäfer ist ein Jäger der unerhörten Komponisten ... Er betätigt sich seit 15 Jahren als „Trüffelsucher“ für das Label Genuin. Im Interview erklärt er, wie sein Arbeitsalltag aussieht."
Hier gibt es das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen.

link to PDF booklet

Exceeding its length, arrogant its dedicators ("A Leonardo da Vinci" - "His Majesty, the Dead"), ruthlessly the mix of styles between medieval minstrel music and musique concrète, beguiling its beauty and frightening its brutality - this is the fascinating music of Paolo Litta that awaits you on this CD. Written by a previously completely unknown composer, rediscovered by Michael Schäfer and now recorded for the first time by Ilona Then-Bergh and himself for his edition un!erhört at GENUIN.
Let yourself be carried away by the congenial interpretation of a composition that is as diverse as what it symbolises: the whole of human life...

"In the end Litta removed the triangle and dancer from his thoughts and intentions. He called the work A Concert Trilogy. Michael Schäfer’s notes helpfully guide the reader: in addition, he is the pianist in this pioneering recording. He and Ilona Then-Bergh – their recordings are an illuminating feature of Genuin’s rich catalogue of discs ... the performances are fiercely committed and surmount all objection."
Review on the online magazine by Jonathan Woolf, March 2020

Art Music Lounge
"...the music is seamless in structure and developed with great sweep and imagination. Der Tod als Fiedler is (for 1924) a VERY advanced piece in addition to being more coherent than some of George Antheil’s early works or anything written by Edgar Varése. Indeed der Tod als Fiedler stands alone, particularly among violin-piano works, for its time."
Review on the online magazine by Lynn René Bayley, March 2020

Fono Forum
"Die Interpreten gestalten dieses musikalische Ungetüm mit enormer Entdeckerfreude und Hingabe. (...) so kann man sich hier gleichwohl kopfüber in ein Hörabenteuer stürzen, das Seinesgleichen sucht."
Rezension im Magazin Fono Forum von Burkhard Schäfer, Juli 2020

"Pianist Michael Schäfer ist ein Jäger der unerhörten Komponisten ... Er betätigt sich seit 15 Jahren als „Trüffelsucher“ für das Label Genuin. Im Interview erklärt er, wie sein Arbeitsalltag aussieht."
Hier gibt es das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen.