Klaviertrio Then-Bergh – Yang – Schäfer

They have been performing piano trios for ten years now—out of a fascination for this disparate instrumental combination and joy in exploring its repertoire, which is still far from being exhausted. But their enthusiasm for the genre is rooted above all in the happiness they gain from the mutual inspiration of all three members, enabled by a relaxed inner harmony and allowing each of the ensemble’s three personalities to fully develop their own artistic freedom. For the same reason, their names are not effaced under a shared label, but with both solidarity and self-awareness, stand for a genre that derives its appeal precisely from the soloistic collaboration of contrasting instruments.
Photo: www.wildundleise.de
They have been performing piano trios for ten years now—out of a fascination for this disparate instrumental combination and joy in exploring its repertoire, which is still far from being exhausted. But their enthusiasm for the genre is rooted above all in the happiness they gain from the mutual inspiration of all three members, enabled by a relaxed inner harmony and allowing each of the ensemble’s three personalities to fully develop their own artistic freedom. For the same reason, their names are not effaced under a shared label, but with both solidarity and self-awareness, stand for a genre that derives its appeal precisely from the soloistic collaboration of contrasting instruments.
Photo: www.wildundleise.de
CDs released by GENUIN
with Klaviertrio Then-Bergh – Yang – Schäfer